Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday slammed Congress for being soft on “terror suspects” and said that during its regime, the grand old party used to starve the poor and feed biryani to terrorists whereas the Modi government has been providing free ration to over 80 crore poor people for the past four years.
Addressing a public meeting in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur, the Uttar Pradesh CM praised the works of the Modi government at the Centre and the Bhajan Lal government in the state.
Slamming the intentions of Congress, he said, “During its government, there were no policies, leaders, or decisions, but in the Modi government, there is no shortage of schemes for the poor.”
Calling Congress the “biggest problem of the country”, BJP’s star campaigner said, “Imposing curfew is part of Congress’ DNA. It would starve the poor but feed biryani to terrorists, whereas under PM Modi, free ration to 80 crore poor people has been provided for the past four years.”
He also accused the Congress of questioning the ‘history’ of the country and said the party considered Lord Ram and Lord Krishna as imaginary figures.
“Congress couldn’t get the Ram Mandir built in Ayodhya. They used to say that Ram didn’t even exist. Next to Bharatpur are Mathura, Vrindavan, Gokul, Barsana, Nandgaon, and Govardhan. Still, the Congress says that Lord Krishna never existed. Congress questions our history and heritage,” he said.
Adityanath was in Bharatpur on Sunday to campaign for BJP candidate Ramswaroop Koli.
Speaking on the recent ‘The Guardian’ report, he said that terrorists are being selectively killed inside Pakistan. The world is also realising that terrorism is a menace to humankind.
“Just two to three days ago, a report that appeared in a prestigious English newspaper ‘The Guardian’ revealed that 20 hardened criminals have been killed within Pakistan. It may be India that carried out the strikes, but until yesterday, none of those who sympathised with terrorists had the courage to speak against India. The new India knows how to protect its citizens and borders,” UP CM remarked.
“Under PM Modi’s leadership, India’s respect in the world has increased. Maoism, extremism, and terrorism have ended. Article 370, which was imposed in Kashmir by the Congress in 1952, was permanently abolished by PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah,” Yogi added.
Slamming the Congress’s intentions, he said: “During its government, there were no policies, leaders, or decisions, but in the Modi government, there is no shortage of schemes for the poor.”
“Now, there is no curfew or riots in Uttar Pradesh, the Kanwar Yatra goes on with pomp and show and our generation is fortunate to be able to visit the Ram temple in Ayodhya. The Congress has problems within itself. Your one vote not only contributes to the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya but also ensures the security of the country’s borders. During COVID 19, when Congress and other parties were missing, Modiji was tirelessly working in every state without caring for himself,” Yogi added.
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