Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: Covid Expert Committee today has suggested that schools can commence classes for students from Std 1 to Std 8.
“All the pediatrician who were there for the meeting were of the strong opinion that we should start. We have decided to recommend to the govt to commence school for Std I to Std 8,”said Expert Committee member Dr Shekhar Salkar after meeting
The Committee will now submit its suggestions to the Task Force Committee, which will take the final call in this regards.
“We feel that is quite safe now. Positivity rate for this week has been below 1 %. This is the right time to start,” he added.
As per information submitted by State epidemiologist Utkarsh Betodkar to the expert committee, covid positivity rate among children has remained static at 10 % for the last 3 months even though Classes have commenced for Std IX to Std XII students in physical mode. “Hospital admission of children with only covid is nil,” he said.
“Every other activities is going on normally. Schools should start too,”Salkar asserted. As soon as center gives clearance for vaccination of children, state will commence the vaccination drive, he added.