Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: With Goa all set to miss October end deadline to complete the much delayed Coastal Zone Management Plan 2019, all the developmental works including that of state government projects across coastal belt are likely to come to a halt from November.
The Centre has declined to grant any permissions under CRZ 2011 to projects, from next month, pending updatation of CZMP.
Though the state government on October 10 approached the Union Ministry for Environment seeking seven months time that is till May 31 2024 to complete the entire process, there is no communication from the centre with regards to the relaxation so far.
Coming down heavily on all the 11 coastal states over delay in completing CZMP 2019, the NCZMA during its meeting held in August had warned that it won’t grant any CRZ clearance to the developmental projects including that of the government along the coastal areas under CRZ 2011 notification from November, if CZMP 2019 is not completed by October end.
Goa has appointed Kerala based National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS) to draft CZMP 2019. The team had recently visited the State for ground assessment.
Admitting the possible further delay, the Goa Environment Department in a communication to the Joint Secretary MoEF&CC and Director (CRZ), the State government has informed NCESS has sought time till May 31, 2024 to complete the entire exercise.
Pending till then, the State has requested Ministry to allow granting permissions under CRZ 2011 for developmental projects till that time.
Goa Environment Department has informed Centre that the work on the new plan has been delayed due to non submission of correct CZMP 2011 on 1:4000 scale shape by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM).
“The State of Goa had entrusted the task of preparation of CZMP 2011 to NCSCM, who submitted the plan in 1:25000 scale, however in spite of making full payment to NCSCM in March 2023, they have failed to provide correct CZMP 2011 in 1:4000 scale shape file as well as hard copies till date,” Goa said.
The State further said that since the public consultation for CZMP 2011 was carried out in both the scale, for 2019 plan too, the procedure will be adopted..
The State has submitted a detailed chart by NCESS detailing out the time schedule for compilation of the plan.