Team Goemkarponn
BAGA: A 13-year-old Russian girl caught in a rip current off the beach was rescued by lifesaver Sushant Gaonkar with a rescue board, after he spotted the girl struggling to swim in the water.
Mandrem: Six tourists from Jaipur were caught in a rip current, with five managing to return ashore at Mandrem beach. A 27-year-old, however, struggled and began drowning.
Lifesaver Karan Tandel used a rescue board while Yuvraj Revankar deployed a jetski, successfully securing the individual and bringing him safely back to shore.
Baina: A tourist’s finger was cut on a propeller while alighting from a sightseeing boat at Baina beach.
The tourist approached the nearby lifesaver tower for assistance and was administered first aid.
Agonda: A 32-year-old woman and an 11-year-old boy, both from Goa, were stung by a jellyfish off Agonda beach.
Both were administered first aid on the spot by a Drishti Marine lifesaver.