Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: The Directorate Of Food and Drugs Administration has informed that under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 has prohibited the manufacture, sale or distribution of Nimesulide and its formulations for animal use.
The prohibition has been imposed pursuant to recommendation of the Drugs Technical Advisory Board for the reason that the use of drug formulations containing Nimesulide are likely to involve risk to animals and safer alternatives to the said drugs are available.
In view of the above, all the drug retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and Veterinary establishments across the State are hereby informed to take note of the above ban on Nimesulide and its formulations for animal use.
All the Registered Medical Practitioners who are engaged in the practice of Veterinary medicine are advised to ensure that no prescriptions are issued for this drug and all the retailers and wholesalers are advised to exercise extreme care and caution, not to dispense and distribute this banned drug for animal use.
Drugs retailers, wholesalers, veterinary hospitals, veterinary Dispensaries, veterinary clinics are advised to identify these drug formulations at their premises and remove the same from their shelves and return back to their respective suppliers under intimation to this Directorate.