Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: After much hue and cry from the industry bodies over the malpractices and harassment by the Factories and Boilers Department in forcing the industries to conduct various audits and certification by few select consultants empanelled by them and charging exorbitant fees, it was decided by the Government at the suggestion of the Industries Minister to post an IAS Officer as the Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers.
The recently posted IAS Officer Shri Polumalla P. Abhishek was doing a fantastic job and streamlined the functioning of the Department. Taking of decisions were quick and without any red tapism. The industries were happy and much relieved as they could concentrate on their business rather than make several trips to the Department to sort out the issues.
The industries are now shocked to learn that the Government has decided to reverse their decision of posting an IAS Officer as the head of Factories and Boilers. We do not know what has made the Government to change their decision when the Department was functioning very smoothly.
On one hand the Government is talking about Business Reforms Action Plan to augment Ease of Doing Business in the State to boost investor confidence and foster business-friendly climate, on the other, it appears the Government wants to continue with earlier malpractices and harassment of the industries.