Goemkarponn Desk
CANACONA – Inspite of getting regular supply of water through taps, over 80 households of the remote Kudai ward in Khola village prefers to draw Spring water for their cooking and drinking purpose.
Interestingly, PWD (water-supply) under its ambitious Rural Water Supply Schemes (RWSS), is supplying tap water to the residents of Kudai by tapping the water from the ample availability of Water-Resources and luckily, none of these watrer resources dries up even in the peak of summer months like April and May.
Interestingly, residents of Kudai, a remote area of Khola village, where water is never a scarcity even at the end of May month and gets their taps running daily for 3-4 hours, however, prefers to draw water from a Spring in the locality. ‘It’s been our tradition through the ages to use spring water for our cooking and drinking purposes. We use the tap water we gets only for our washing and other portable usage.’, incidentally, Kudai area is full of ground-water resources, and government through RWSS supply water to the locality and beyond, besides Water-Tankers are filled here for supplying water to other areas.’, informed a resident from Kudai.
Interestingly, though the water supplied to over 100 households through taps, is pulled from their neighboring rivulet (which gets hard after it stops flowing) under the government’s RWSS is not considered by the locals as not suitable for cooking and drinking. ‘ The water supplied to us through taps is pulled from stagnant ponds formed in our revulets and it is a bit thick, so, we use our tap water for all our other needs and we regularly bring water from the Springs as we are accumstomed to use it (in-fact there are two springs which remain alive even through June end if it doesn’t rain till then) for our cooking and drinking purpose.’, informed the local resident.