Team Goemkarponn
CANACONA: Undertered by the No Confidence Motion (NCM), Agonda Sarpanch Ms Prettal Fernandes unfurled the National Flag on the 76th Republic day at Panchayat ghar.
Agonda Sarpanch Prettal Fernandes unfurling the National Flag on Republic Day assumes significance as just two days ago, 4 of the seven panch members moved a NCM against her reducing her sarpanch position to minority. In her Republic Day speech, Ms Prettal Fernandes declared she will be working for the people and for their cause irrespective of being in power or not! ‘ I don’t need only political power to work for the people, my inner conscience and my strong will in taking up social causes are enough grounds for me to be with the needy people throughout’.
Meanwhile, NCM moved by 4 of the 7 panch members will be taken up in a special meeting on Tuesday.
Besides, the Dy. Sarpanch Karuna Phaldessai and Panch John Fernandes, sarpanch Prettal Fernandes who was initially eleted unanimously to the sarpanch untill two panch members ex-sarpanch Fatima Rodrigues and ex-Dy. Sarpanch Canisha Fernandes parted ways following differences over Prettals refusal to resign to reinstate back Fatima Rodrigues as sarpanch.
Since than Prettal had a majority of panch members with her with Nilesh Pagi, Ramnath Velip, Karuna Phaldessai and John Fernandes strongly supporting her decision, though it was rumored then that panch Nilesh Pagi is in good books of both groups keeping close rapo with Fatima Rodrigues group and as well as showing allegiance to Prettals ruling group. Thus sarpanch chair was on thin majority, the Karashirmoll Panch Ramnath Velip became the kingpin and was the placard to switch loyalty, which finally led to submission of NCM to BDO on Friday.
A number of citizens including Agonda BMC Chairman Shabha Naikgaonkar and others were present for the unfurling of the tri-color on the occasion of 76th Republic Day at Panchayat Ghar. Prettal later, gave a speech on the nations 76th Republic Day explaining the importance and panchcyat role in bringing several developments, and stated many are already approved and on way to tendering process.
The official Republic day Flag unfurling and salutation took place at Shri Gaitonde Mini-Sports Complex, Chaudi, while CMC Chairperson Sara Naikdessai unfurled tri-color at old municipal building and addressed the audience.