Team Goemkarponn
MAPUSA: At the Bodgeshwar Zatra, a mentally ill individual attacked three police officers with a knife, injuring them. He was arrested and placed under arrest right away.
The cultural presentation was disrupted by Ayush Manoj Naik, Naikawado, Calangute, at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
He allegedly charged the area where some adults and kids were taking part. Additionally, he charged at the kids who were there for the event while brandishing a knife.
When vigilant policeman noticed this, they hurried to stop him. Ayush Manoj Naik assaulted the police at that time.
The event injured Vithal Naroji of the Panjim Police Station, Ritesh Mahale of the Anjuna Police Station, and Sharad Halgi of the Calangute Police Station.
After providing first assistance at District Hospital Mapusa, Vithal Naroji and Sharad Halgi were referred to GMC Bambolim.