Team Goemkarponn
NANUZ: A solemn function was held today to honour the historic Rane Revolt at Nanuz Fort, Sattari. The event saw the presence of various dignitaries, including Dr. Deviya Rane, MLA of Poriem, who laid a wreath on the Memorial of the Rane’s Revolt. In a mark of respect, other attendees also placed loose rose petals on the memorial.
Addressing the gathering, Dr. Deviya Rane emphasized the significance of preserving the fort, stating that it will soon undergo renovations to restore its former glory. It’s our responsibility to honour this fort, she said. Every individual, especially the youth, should be aware of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, which have made the way for the prosperity we enjoy today in Sattari Taluka and across Goa. Dr. Rane highlighted the revolutionary struggle led by Dipaji Rane and Dada Rane, which played a crucial role in the success of the freedom movement in the region. She called on today’s youth to remember the history of their struggle and ensure its legacy is passed down through generations. People from around the world should visit this fort to understand the freedom fighters’ struggles, history, and sacrifices, she concluded.
Advocate Shivaji Desai, underscored the vital contributions of Dipaji Rane and Dada Rane in the fight for Goa’s freedom. We must never forget the sacrifices made by our ancestors, he said. The newly renovated and rebuilt fort will serve as a tribute to their legacy and an important landmark for the Nation, he added.