Team Goemkarponn
MOBOR: A foreigner tourist was brutally mauled by a group of stray dogs on Mobor Beach in Cavelossim on Tuesday, resulting in 15 injuries and a possible arm fracture.
The visitor was walking alone when five dogs suddenly pounced at him, starting the attack. She tried to get away into the water, but the dogs kept biting her until she fell.
Luckily, she was able to call her buddy for assistance, and a hotel guard and water sport operators ultimately came to her aid.
Along with local fisherman Jesus D’Costa and panch member Jesus da Costa, Cavelossim Sarpanch Dixon Vaz hurried to the scene. After being transported to the hospital right away, the injured visitor voiced her worries about the growing threat of stray dogs and declared that it was no longer safe to stroll on the beach.
“No one is giving this severe problem enough thought. The current state of affairs is man-made; it wasn’t always this way.
Due to inadequate management, there are already dog groups on Goa’s streets and beaches, and their numbers are only increasing, Vaz stated.
He cautioned that if left unchecked, occurrences like this could discourage travellers from going to Cavelossim, endangering the region’s standing as a friendly and safe travel destination.
It is important to remember that the panchayat has already emphasised the need for stronger laws and improved stray dog management. Vaz clarified that visitors’ erratic feeding habits are a contributing factor in some of the aggressiveness displayed by strays.
In order to solve the issue, the panchayat set up a special dog shelter in the hamlet and put regulations in place mandating that anyone wishing to feed strays must register with the local organisation.
The Sarpanch claims that despite these steps, Tuesday’s attack highlights how urgent it is to handle the stray dog problem in its entirety.