Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: Power Minister Sudin Dhavalikar said that as Goa cannot source Power from other States/Grid, the Tamnar Project will help to draw additional power to meet the increasing demand and will also improve the reliability of the interstate lines.
“As Goa cannot source Power from other States/Grid, the Tamnar Project will help to draw additional power to meet the increasing demand and will also improve the reliability of the interstate lines,” said Sudin
He further informed that although the work on NarendraXeldem 400 KV Double Circuit line is halted in the Karnataka region due to pending forest and wildlife diversion approvals from the Karnataka forest Department, Goa Tamnar Transmission Project Pvt. Ltd.
“(GTTPL) has been following up with the Department of Forest Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka for the approval and the same is under consideration since GTTPL has realigned the route in Karnataka as per the recommendations of the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) of the Supreme Court and the Forest Department of Karnataka,” he added
Minister further said that the Government of Goa is committed to protect the environment, forest and wildlife. The Transmission elements in Goa i.e. Xeldem-Xeldem and Xeldem-Mapusa Transmission line and the Dharbandora Sub Station have all the required approvals including Forest approvals.
“Presently the Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) of the interstate Transmission lines from Western Grid is 690 MW and in the event of tripping of any 400/220 KV line or during Scheduled Maintenance shutdowns the State has to enforce load shedding due to the ATC imposed by the Grid Authorities,’ Sudin added
He said that Also the 220 KV Ambewadi Ponda-Xeldem line is not reliable as there are frequent interruptions. Besides only 100 MW power is sourced through this line from Southern Grid and additional Power cannot be sourced.
“As Goa cannot source Power from other States/Grid, the Tamnar Project will help to draw additional power to meet the increasing demand and will also improve the reliability of the interstate lines,” he added