Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA: In an unusual fate, two brothers celebrating their birthday’s on same also dies on one-and-a same day early last Sunday night.
Shashikant Jana Naik (46) and Laxmikant Jana Naik (48), in their late forties dies of heart attack one-after-the-other, early Sunday night in one-and-the-same house they were living at pasal-Ordhofond, Poinguinim..
Both the brothers, unmarried were cremated at the same time anda t the same place but on two different pyres on Monday.
According to sources, Shashikant Jana Naik (46), the younger brother, had eaten at eight o’clock in the night and as usual had gone inside and slept.He is normally used to wake up every night at certain time to go to washroom. As he did not wake up at night, his elder brother Laxmikant Jana Naik (48) went to his room to see as to why he didn’t went to the washroom, and found Sasikant was not responding to his calls and did not moves at-all.
Laxmikant called his sister and the another brother and that also happenred to be Laxmikant’s last call, and Lakshimikant himself collapsed and died than and there. Their other brother Shailesh and sister Shaila immediately cried out and called neighbors
As it was soon found that both the brothers have died almost at the same time and in the same house, the locals and relatives thronged to their house.
Sources, informed that the two brothers used to celebrate their birthdays together on 1st July, are now dead on the same night of Sunday in one and same house.
Their last rites were performed in a sad atmosphere at Pasal-Ordhofond, Monday afternoon. Their mother had died two years ago, while they had lost their father 13 years ago. Both, being unmarried are survived by sister Shaila and brother Shailesh.