Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: Minister for Industries and Commerce, Mauvin Godinho emphasized the encouragement of women into the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSME) sector in the State of Goa as women can help to drive the rural economy efficiently besides gaining financial security in the society.
He was speaking at the launch of Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance (RAMP) Programme organized by the Directorate of Industries, Trade and Commerce.
Minister Godinho said that there are 66 thousands of MSME registered in the state which includes only 1600 women entrepreneurs. The number of women in the MSME sector should increase which will boost women’s empowerment.
If we want to achieve growth in our economy and to generate employment, serious efforts towards strengthening of MSMEs needs to be made wherein the launch of the RAMP initiative will play a significant role in boosting MSMEs in the State, Minister said.
He further stated that, Goa is known for various products which can be promoted on a large scale regardless of having GI tags for the products.
There are various types of authentic and traditional food produce available in Goa which can be processed and marketed at national and international level.
The Minister also stressed upon the proactive role of concerned Departments and Agencies to focus on providing every possible support and assistance to people who are interested in entering the MSME sector and achieve targets set for RAMP in its real sense.
Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME Ateesh Kumar Singh informed about various Schemes and initiatives implemented by the Ministry of MSME for fostering rural economy and employment generation.
He elaborated on the RAMP programme and its objectives.
It is informed that, the Government of India has launched a World Bank-Supported Central Sector Scheme called `Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance (RAMP) which is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing the performance of MSMEs across the country.
The Directorate of Industries, Trade and Commerce is the nodal agency for implementation of RAMP in Goa.
Director, Ministry of MSME Vinamra Mishra in his address expressed the need for Z certification for MSMEs in the State, which will attract various benefits of Schemes implemented by the Government.
Director, Ministry of MSME Ankita Pandey informed about various benefits of the RAMP programme for MSMEs growth and measures undertaken by the Ministry of MSMEs in resolving payment related issues and disputes on online mode.
Secretary, Industries and Commerce Shri. Suneel Anchipaka, IAS spoke about the ongoing commitment of the State Government towards growth and enhancement of MSMEs in the State. He welcomed the gathering on the occasion.