Goemkarponn desk
The District Magistrate of both the Districts in the State has ordered and directed that any gathering of more than 50 persons shall not be allowed in their respective jurisdiction without the prior written permission of the Sub-District Magistrate concerned. Any gathering beyond the following limits are already prohibited in the terms of earlier Orders issued.
For halls of maximum capacity upto 100, gathering upto of 50% of the hall capacity or a maximum of 50 persons whichever is lower; for halls with capacity of more than 100, gathering will be permissible upto 50% of its capacity or maximum of 100 persons, whichever is lower and for open premises and grounds, gathering upto 50% of its capacity or maximum gathering of people upto 200 persons, whichever is lower. Other Statutory permissions have to be sought by the applicant in addition to this permission.
The DM has further clarified that the organizer as well as the venue in-charge will be held responsible for any violation of this order. The organizer and the venue in charge should also ensure wearing of mask, norms of social distancing and other Covid appropriate behavior.
Any person contravening this order will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provision of section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 besides legal action under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.
This order will come into force from 00.00 hrs of April 18, 2021.
Any Central or State Government functions shall be exempted from the permission as above