Goemkapronn desk
CANACONA: Canacona police arrested a native from Bihar in possession of Ganja worth over Rs.1.88 lakhs in Canacona.
According to Canacona police, acting upon specific and reliable information narcotic raid was conducted in a rented room at Char-Rasta on the night of Wednesday. One Rohit Kumar, a native from Ramgarh-Bihar and residing in the rented room at Char-Rasta was apprehended during the raid after he was found in possession of one blue colour plastic polythene bag containing greenish colour fruiting and flowering tops-like substance suspected to be Ganja. The Ganja weighed 1.883 kg of worth Rs.1,88,300/-.
Accused Kumar is arrested for the crime registered by Canacona police under section 20(b)(ii) (B) of NDPS Act, 1985. Canacona PSI Rajasekhar Reddy is conducting further investigation.
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