Goemkarponn desk
PANAJI: The Directorate of Mines and Geology is likely to issue a reminder on recovery notices to the mining firms, who are yet to pay the amount as against the illegal export of iron ore undertaken by them.
The DMG had issued notice to recover Rs 360 cr, of which only Rs 100 crs\ have been paid by the firms.
As per sources, if a said mining company does not pay the amount within 60 days from the issuance of this notice, then an interest of 18 per cent will be added to the pending amount.
Sources said a fresh reminder will be issued to all the companies to recover the balance amount shortly.
Mining in the State is currently shut after the Supreme court quashed renewals granted to leases.
Before that, in 2012, based on Justice M B Shah Commission report on illegalities, Govt had suspended mining operations.
The Goa Foundation had filed a petition before the High Court to recover dues, claiming the government was dragging its feet vis-a-vis the recovery processes.
“After conducting enquiries and also relying upon enquiries done by the Auditor General, Goa, demand notices for Rs. 3431.31 crores were issued to various parties for recovery,” Alvares had said in the petition filed before the High Court.
“Despite a direction from the apex court in its judgement in 2018, only Rs 3.99 crore have been recovered,” the petition also said.