Goemkapronn desk
CANACONA: Amidst continuous rains the sudden rise of seawater has caused deep and heavy sand–erosion on Galgibaga beach shore.
The unprecedented sand erosion has plummeted dozens of Casuarina Trees on the beach with the Sea gulping many while dozens of them uprooted on the coast in the past three days.
According to locals amidst the heavy rains, the sea was virtually hissing at night time, and large waves were pounding the coastline. This occurrence has not only destroyed most of the sand dunes on beachcoast but have also caused a deep gash of along the entire sandy coastline. The coastal sand of the beach has eroded as deep as 4-5 metres, triggering uprooting of several Casuarina trees, which fell flat on the beach.
Many of the casuarina trees have even washed into the sea, as the soaring sea waves continue to pound the coastline.
“The existing casuarina trees and coastal vegetation are seriously threatened with extinction. If this sea rampage continues and the government takes no measures to stop this occurrence, soon coastal vegetation may be a history’ feels a local resident,” he said.
According to locals, sand erosion taking away some parts of sand dunes is nothing new to the area, but the enormous and heavy sand erosion, eroding sand as deep as 5 meters deep is a matter of concern to the coastal residents.
Presently, there is hardly any beachfront sand left on the Galgibaga coast, while the sea has almost touched the coastal edge leaving no sand beach at Galgibaga.
“If no measures are taken, soon this sand erosion will hit our residential houses, threatening our own existence,” says some women seen collecting washed-over dried-up tree branches for firewood.
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