Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA: Pagi Samaj (Akhil Goa Kshatriya Pagui Samaj) celebrated the annual Narali Purnima Utsav this time at Muthal-Sadolxem on Sunday.
Goa Speaker and Canacona MLA Ramesh Tawadkar, MLA (Quepem) Altone D’Costa took part in the celebrations observed with all the traditional fervour and devotion by All Goa Kshatriya Pagui Samaj (AGKPS).
After a brief program in the Community Hall, a puja was conducted on the shore-sands, and in a ceremonial Naral (Coconut) and flowers were released into the seawaters. Pagui Samaj whose main occupation is fisheries conducts Puja of the Sea as a mark of paying their respect to the source of their Livelihood.
Poinguinim Sarpanch Savita Tawadkar, Dy. Sarpanch Sunil Paigankar was also present.
AGKPS President – Diwakar Pagui and all the office bearers and prominent members and a strong pose of Womenfolk of Paji Samaj took part in the Utsav celebrations.
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