Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI:Goa Governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari today said that right of voting is a weapon to decide between right and wrong.
Governor of Goa, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari was the Chief Guest at the 11th National Voters Day celebrations held at Menezes Braganza Hall, Panaji today.
“The Governor also said right of voting is a weapon to decide between right and wrong. On the day of voting, everyone is equal and such an important right has to be exercised with proper care. Appealing to the people to participate in large number to exercise their voting right, he stressed upon the need for voter education and appreciated the efforts of Election Commission of India in this regard,’ said Koshiyari
Governor while addressing the gathering congratulated new and young voters and urged them to show enthusiasm by casting their right of vote in every election and said that India is the largest democracy in the world. He said in last 70 years lot of good and positive changes happened in the voting system of the country. Voters are awakened about value of the right to vote. Voter is the base of the constitution.
“Power is not in the hands of representatives who people choose but the real power is in the hands of the voters. Citizen will get the Government and the system which they deserve. Election commission and voters is the support system of the democracy. Every voter should vote keeping in the mind the making of the country he said,” he saod
He further said that the voters are biggest stakeholders in the democracy and they should ensure that they cast their vote on merit and must see the programme and policies of the candidates and political parties without getting influenced by caste, creed or religion.
“The exercise of elections aims participation of all the citizens, which he said will help to strengthen the democracy,”Koshyari said.
Meanwhile. the Governor also said right of voting is a weapon to decide between right and wrong. On the day of voting, everyone is equal and such an important right has to be exercised with proper care.