Goemkarponn Desk
CANACONA – After the recent Lok Sabha polls debacle, Canacona congress held its first meeting of the Frontal Workers Team in Canacona, which was fought collectively as part of I.N.D.I. Alliance.
During the meeting Various issues were discussed related to the Health Centre (Community Health Centre), Muddy water supplied in Taps, the Issue of the un-operational Gaunem Dam, Constant Fluctuation of Electricity, amongst other burning
It has been discussed that health awareness drives and cleanliness drives need to be conducted in coordination with the Canacona Community Health Centre every panchayats-level and in the municipality.
It had also been discussed to plan a strategy to strengthen the Congress party in Canacona.
While the meeting was coordinated by Congress (South) Organising Secretary Gaspar Coutinho, Mrs.Ursula Costa (Canacona Congress Mahila President) concluded the meeting encouraging the women to come ahead and work unitedly to fight together our day-to-day problems.