Goemkarponn Desk
Panaji:The Government has approved to temporarily de-notify the Mormugao Port Trust Hospital, Headland, Sada, Vasco as Covid -19 Hospital, Vasco.
Earlier, the Public Health Department had notified the health facility of Mormugao Port Trust Hospital, Headland Sada, Vasco as dedicated “Covid -19 Hospital for the State of Goa.
All the patients at Mormugao Port Trust Hospital will be shifted to South Goa District Hospital, Margao, Covid -19 Hospital Margao or Sub District Hospital, Ponda or Sub District Hospital, Chicalim, as the case may be, after proper clinical assessment. All the staff deployed at Mormugao Port Trust Hospital, Headland , Sada, Vasco either own or by the Directorate of Health Services or Goa Medical College shall henceforth report to the Nodal Officer of South Goa District Hospital, Margao (Covid-19 Hospital, Margao) for their further deployment.
Mormugao Port Trust Hospital, Headland, Sada shall remain as stand- by Centre and will be activated whenever required.