Goemkarponn Desk
PONDA: With rising crimes, the Ponda locals today have demanded a CCTV camera to detect crimes and discipline in traffic and parking in city.
The Pondaitees are strongly demanding Cctv camera vigil in Ponda City at Prime junction to keep control on crime as well as to maintain discipline is traffic system.
The Jewellery Shop Owners too demand Cctv system for safety and prevent crimes.
Earlier in 2015 the cameras were installed and there control on traffic chaos, discipline in Parking fearing that violators would be fined from Police however the camera functioned for only two years and later due to lack of maintanance they are just show pieces in Ponda City and there is no fear of law and discipline among violators said Viraj Sapre Social worker in Ponda.
Ponda bike thefts and chain snatching and other crimes are reported there is need for CCTV system in Ponda and surrounding villages of Kavlem and Curti and Bandora.
Besides houses being broken into at Curti and Priol beside shops in various places recently beside Temple burglaries in Taluka. While the Ponda Police have managed to crack some of the chain-snatching and house burglary locals feels cctv would also give help after crime incident.
Viraj Sapre who was first to demand CCTV system, a decade back said although, the 22 cameras were installed from the MP Fund five years back, most of them are non-functional and no one cares to repair the CCTVs. Non-maintenance has also been the main cause of their functioning.