Team Goemkarponn
CANACONA: Early Monday morning a mother flipper finds itsd way to Mobor Beach and lays eggs, before returning to the sea, while Forest officials excavated about 112 eggs from that pit and shifted to the Turtle Nesting site of Galgibaga shore as Pit no.4 on Monday.
Earlier on Friday Galgibaga beach was visited by mother turtn and laid 113 days at about 5.15 am of , which forest guards protects the pit as no 3.
Meanwhile, Agonda received its Pit no.11 and Pit No.12 with 128 and 103 eggs, late Thursday midnight and and Friday early morning, respectively.
Whilethe season continues, presently Agonda TRC protects 12 pits while Galgibaga TRC protects 4 Pits, respectively of South Marine Range zone at the twin Nesting Sites.