Goemkarponn desk
PANAJI: Curtains came down on the veterans’ category of the ongoing Gadre Gaspar Dias Open 2023 tennis tournament on Monday, with Rafik Khotu/Manoj Chandiramani defeating Rumi Printer/Vijay Meher in an exciting three-set encounter in the veterans 120+ doubles finals.
Rafik and Manoj lost the first set 3-6 but won the second set 6-4 before enduring a third marathon set which Rumi and Vijay lost 11-9 on Monday.
In the veterans 55+ singles finals, Sanjay Ashar beat Ashok Kolekar (6-1, 6-1), while in the
veterans 35+ mixed doubles finals, Rajendra Godinho/Charmaine beat Prithvi Naik/Atika Gaur(6-0, 6-0).
In the veterans 90+ doubles finals, Vivek Khadge/Jaydeep Wakankar beat Sunil Lonkar/Abhijeet Mohite (6-2, 6-4), and in the veterans 45+ singles finals, Amit Tambe beat Hemanshu Vernekar (6-1,6-1). Open category matches of the Gadre Gaspar Dias Open 2023 tennis tournament, one of the state’s premier tennis events, will begin on January 30 and conclude on February 5.
A record number of participants had registered across various categories for the 8th edition of the Gadre Gaspar Dias Open 2023. In all, 386 tennis players had registered for the event, out of which 199 had registered under the veteran’s category, while 187 players had registered for the open category.