Team Goemkarponn
FATORDA: Goa Forward Party (GFP) President and Fatorda MLA Vijai Sardesai said that under Goa Chief Minister,a parade of scams have come to light almost every day, one larger than the other.
“Under this Goa CM, a parade of scams have come to light almost every day, one larger than the other, and there’s no doubt in every Goemkar’s mind, that their state is in crisis, and the only way to escape utter ruin is for the CM, who has totally lost their trust, to resign urgently,” said Vijai
He further said questioned as to how much havoc and destruction do you intend to cause our beloved Goa?
He said that as new, shocking revelations, even from the accused, surface everyday on the Goa Land Grab, indicting the BJP Goa regime, it’s beyond doubt that the cancer of corruption has spread to every organ of the administration, from head to toe, with blatant involvement of the Goa police.
There were 48 land-grabbing cases, but only four of them have been charged. Opposition MLA Vijai Sardesai has claimed that the government is negotiating settlements in the remaining 44 cases.
Speaking to the media, Sardesai added that he happened to come across the Justice Jadhav Commission of Inquiry report, which had been inadvertently posted online. He stated that he would like to go through and divulge a lot of stuff in the future.
The largest problem with the land scam investigation, according to Sardesai, is that the definition of land snatching is unclear. Second, the Inquiry Officer has been repeatedly reshuffled, according to the Justice Jadhav Commission.
An obvious illustration of this is the Suleiman Khan case, in which land is attempted to be transferred in the name of an MLA. According to Goa Forward Convenor Vijai Sardesai, I have a copy of the Committee report that was uploaded in error. He committed to sharing more information on the report later.