Goemkarponn desk
QUERIM: The Querim-Sattari gram sabha on Sunday witnessed heated arguments on various issues, with the villagers of Querim raising slogans against the government of Karnataka on the Mhadei issue.
Villagers demanded that the Central Water Commission revoke the permission granted to the revised Detail Project Report (DPR) submitted by Karnataka for diverting the Mhadei river water. The gram sabha also resolved to strike a protest if permission to DPR is not revoked.
The resolution regarding the Mhadei water diversion was given by social activists Sitaram Gawas and Vishnu Parodkar.
The villagers of Querim at this gram sabha also unanimously passed the resolution to stop widow practice in the village. The resolution passed by Mhadavi Rane and Sneha Gawas was strongly supported by the villagers present at Gram Sabha.
Gawas said the domestic tourists travelling in interstate vehicles drink and litter liquor bottles across the village. The VP, as a solution to curb the menace of domestic tourists, decided to serve notice to all the nearest liquor shops to take necessary action and not to let tourists carry the liquor bottles.
The locals, including a villager Krishna Majik, gave a green signal to the Village Panchayat to collect the garbage tax of Rs 100 per household per year.
Panchayat said the presence of around 1600 houses in the jurisdiction of VP will help generate good enough revenue using which Panchayat will be able to intake labourers required to collect house-to-house garbage.
Several villagers raised concerns over the issue of wet waste being disposed of by the hoteliers of Querim. A local Chandrashekhar Gawas, backed by the villagers, raised the public toilet issue.