Goemkarponn desk
MAPUSA: SDPO Mapusa Jivba Dalvi held Sampark Sabha with the staff of Mapusa Sub Division i.e. Mapusa, Anjuna and Colvale Police Station.
About 60 staff attended the said Sampark Sabha.
SDPO Mapusa Jivba Dalvi informed that the staff of Mapuca Division are not having any grievances as there is satisfactory infrastructure provided by the Goa Police Department to all the three police stations of Mapusa Sub Division.
Staff informed that they have good barrack facilities with adequate toilets.
Staff were satisfied that the leave was granted whenever they applied.
There are enough mobility arrangements provided by the Goa Police for staff transportation.
SP North Nidhin Valsan has issued commendation certificates for the outstanding performance of Mapuca Division, and we carried certificates distribution function.
Below mentioned officers and staff are the recipients.
1)Shri. Jivba G. Dalvi, SDPO Mapusa 2) Shri. Prashal Dessai, PI, Anjuna PS
3) Dhiraj Devidas, PSI Anjuna PS
4) Sahil Warang, PSI Anjuna PS
5) Tukaram Pednekar, PSI Anjuna PS
6) Sneha Sawal, LPSI Anjuna PS
7) Babu Gaonkar, ASI Escort Cell Panaji
8) Anil. Pilgaonkar HC-4435 Anjuna PS
9) Anant Dessai, HC-5145, Escort cell Mapusa
10) Anand Ghatwal, PC-5801, Escort cell Mapusa 11) Shri. Rama Parab, PC-6451 Anjuna PS
12) Ajinkya Ghogle, PC-6371 Anjuna PS
13) Mahendra Mandrekar, PC-6473, anjuna PS
14) Satendra Nasnodkar, PC-6633 anjuna PS
15) Arun Mahale, PC-7043 Anjuna PS
16) Pravin Patil, PC-7341 Anjuna PS
17) Adarsh Nagvekar, PC-7408 Anjuna PS.
SDPO Mapuca Jivba Dalvi informed that staff were delighted to have received certificates and assured better performance in future.
This was a unique way to facilitate staff in the public domain initiated by SP North Nidhin Valsan IPS.