Goemkarponn Desk
TORSEM: Mopa Airport Police today has detained a Maharashtra registered Vehicle for illegally transporting liquor of different brands worth Rs 3 lakhs.
On 24/02/2023 at 20.30 hrs at Torshem near Mauli Temple detained one Maroon Colour Scorpio Jeep bearing Reg. No. MH07-Q-2424 while illegally transporting liquor of different brands total 300.24 Lts having market Value of Rs. 3,00,000/-.
The staff of Mopa Airport PS PC- 6446 Milind Mahale, PC-7161 Vinod Pednekar, PC-7750 Anishkumar Poke and PC -7852 Astik Naik under the supervision of PI, Mopa Airport PS worked hard with their all sincere efforts while detaining the Scorpio Jeep bearing Reg. No. MH07-Q-2424 while illegally transporting liquor total value W/Rs. 3,00,000/-.