Goemkarponn desk
OLD GOA: North Goa BJP Candidate Shripad Naik today said that there is joy among voters that Narendra Modi should yet again become the Prime Minister of India for the Third time.
Naik was addressing the media after casting his vote.
“There is joy among voters that Narendra Modi should yet again become the Prime Minister of India for the Third time. Voter turnout will go above 70 percent,” said Naik.
“I am confident of the votes. People will vote for me,” he said with confidence.
When reminded that the Congress says he is over killing the tourism bit and turning serene Goa into a concrete jungle his reply was curt. “For those who have done nothing for the state, on what basis are they talking about overkill of tourism,” he asked.
Naik added that till 9.30 am about 20 per cent had voted in Goa. “By afternoon that figure will rise to 50 per cent and by evening we will cross 70 per cent.”
Shripad said there is joy among voters to see Narendra Modi as Prime Minister again. There are chances that the voting percentage will increase this time.”
“This is not a local election. This election is to elect the Prime Minister. Any local issues can be resolved. There is no negative wave against us, ” Naik said.
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